
09/23 - New paper out in Nature Electronics

Our group's recent paper on spin acoustic control and MEMS metrology is now out in Nature Electronics.

04/23 - New paper out in Nature Materials

Our group's recent paper on laser writing silicon monovacancy directly into fabricated photonic crystal cavities is now out in Nature Materials.

Nature Materials highlighted the article in a News and Views piece by Sridhar Majety and Marina Radulaski in "Writing above the bandgap" 

Harvard SEAS news highlighted the release in the article "Forming and Sensing Optical Emitters in Real Time" .

APS March Meeting 2023 - Las Vegas, Nevada

The group travelled together to Las Vegas for APS March Meeting. Maddie, Jonathan, and Aaron each gave talks on color centers in Diamond and Silicon Carbide, and Matt presetned a poster on fusion gates in Lithium Niobate. 

Defects in Solids for Quantum Technologies 2022 - Stockholm, Sweden

Maddie, Jonathan, and Aaron travelled to Stockholm to each give talks at DSQT 2022. 

APS March Meeting 2022 - Chicago, Illinois

Jonathan travelled to Chicago to give a talk at APS March Meeting 2022.

Mena Gadalla, Ph.D.

In May 2021, Mena Gadalla successfully defended his thesis, titled  “Nanophotonic Resonators for Quantum Information and Refractory Plasmonics Applications”.

Congratulations, Dr. Gadalla! 

Andrew Greenspon, Ph. D. 

In June 2021, Andrew (Andy) Greenspon successfully defended his thesis, titled “Ultrathin Light Sources: Lanthanide Ions in Polyelectrolyte Films and Two-Dimensional Molybdenum Disulfide Interfaced with Gallium Nitride Optical Cavities”.

Congratulations, Dr. Greenspon!